Saturday, December 31, 2011

Release note

published: 2011-10-17

. Added online backup feature
. Added context menu for multimedia attachment.
. Added default email and login information screen.
. Added data transfer documentation in Demo version.
. Fixed program bug in Custom Barcode import.
. Fixed some FC errors
FC:v1.9: ProdPickr$, NullPointerException

published: 2011-08-23

. Added google product search.
. Fixed some FC errors in item view screen.
FC1:v1.8: ProdPickr.onPrepareDialog(
FC2:v1.8: ProdPickr.doLocalSearch(
FC3:v1.8: ViewEntry}: java.lang.IllegalStateException: trying to requery an already closed cursor

published: 2011-07-26

. Added currency customization setting
. Added menu option to duplicate task and expense list
. Change the logic to manage attached images.
(All the attached images are duplicated and locally managed in BarcodeExpressPro/photo folder)
. Added Web product search shortcut button in main screen.
. Improved web product search performance using cache.
. Revise the backup log module
. Fixed menu icon problem in android 3.0
. Fixed some screen design inconsistency.

published: 2011-06-03

. Add Google Docs import and export